Brain Disorders

All you need to know about vertigo

Vertigo is the sensation of feeling off balance, which occurs without any accompanying movement. Some types of vertigo are caused due to the wax buildup in the inner ear canal, whereas other conditions might simply be a symptom of an underlying condition and not an exclusive condition. The following are the conditions that might cause vertigo:

  • Vestibular neuritis
    Also referred to as labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis is an inner ear condition that is usually related to a viral infection. It causes inflammation of the inner ear canal around the nerves that help the body sense balance.
  • BPPV
    Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV occurs when canaliths or tiny calcium particles get lumped in the canals of the inner ear. The inner ear plays a major role in sending signals to the brain about the body movements relative to gravity.
  • Meniere’s disease
    It is yet another inner ear disorder caused due to the fluid buildup and changing pressure in the inner ear. Meniere’s disease causes episodes of vertigo, along with other symptoms such as temporary hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Other conditions related to vertigo include head or neck injury, a tumor or stroke, and migraine headaches.

Vertigo is usually triggered by a change in the position of the head. People with vertigo usually feel dizzy, unbalanced, and pulled to one direction. Some unusual symptoms related to vertigo might include vomiting, nausea, abnormal jerking of the eyes, headache, sweating, and tinnitus.

Some types of vertigo affect people only once, while others continue to recur until the underlying condition is treated. Vertigo can be treated using different types of home remedies and maneuvering exercises:

  • Semont-Toupet maneuver
    It is a type of maneuver that requires less back flexibility. If one is performing this maneuver, they should sit upright on a flat surface with outstretched legs and should keep a pillow for support. Lie down, turn to the right side, looking upward, then quickly sit up turning to the left side, keeping the head to the left, facing the ground. Slowly return to the original position, which is sitting straight and looking forward.
  • Epley maneuver
    Also referred to as “Canalith” repositioning maneuver, Epley maneuver is one of the most popular strategies among the people experiencing vertigo. Research suggests that it is extremely effective for people suffering from Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Start by sitting on a flat surface with the legs outstretched. One can keep a pillow with them for support. Turn the head 45 degrees to the right. Quickly recline the head, still tilted, on the pillow, staying in the position for at least for 30 seconds. Turn the head slowly to a full 90 degrees, without lifting the neck. Completely turn the body to the left for the next 30 seconds, slowly returning to the original position, sitting straight up.
  • Yoga and tai chi
    These forms of exercises help in reducing stress while increasing balance and flexibility. Physical therapy can also be given as an outpatient treatment as it trains the brain to compensate for the cause of vertigo. Yoga poses such as child’s pose and corpse pose helps when the person is feeling dizzy.