Infectious Disease

5 effective tips to prevent bacterial infections

There are tiny organisms that sometimes have the ability to override our strong immune system and it can give rise to infections that can range from mild to severe. Bacteria are such organisms that are already present in the body, but they are seemingly harmless until the balance between the good bacteria and bad bacteria is disturbed. However, there are instances when bacteria from the environment find a passage into the body and ultimately the individual develops a bacterial infection and the severity of this condition depends largely on the type of bacteria that has entered the body.

Though bacterial infections are quite common and there are a variety of ways it can infect a person, there are several preventive measures to avoid the occurrence of the same. It is imperative to learn about the different ways to prevent bacterial infections as they can affect the skin, blood, any organ of the body, the gastrointestinal tract, and if the bacteria belong to an antibiotic-resistant strain, then the bacterial infection can be life-threatening.

So, ensure that you adhere to the following ways to prevent bacterial infections.

Wash your hands without fail
Our hands are usually the carrier of germs and bacteria as we touch plenty of things throughout the day. Which is why washing your hands after performing certain tasks or touching things is a crucial step in preventing bacterial infections. Ensure that you wash your hands after coughing or sneezing, and make it a habit to wash hands before and after preparing food. Additionally, wash your hands after caring for someone who is sick; after treating a wound on the skin; changing a diaper; using the toilet; touching garbage; and after touching an animal, feeding it, or cleaning animal waste.

Keep high-traffic objects clean
Certain objects in your house which you and others use frequently is the breeding ground for bacteria. So, to protect yourself from bacterial infections, you can reduce the bacterial growth in your environment by keeping these objects clean. Household items like doorknobs, telephone, bathroom sinks, and toilet handles, usually harbor bacteria, and as you come in contact with these items every single day, you are highly susceptible to contracting a bacterial infection. So, clean these objects with a disinfectant wipe at least once a week.

Be careful around sick people
One of the important things for you to remember is to be careful around people who are sick. They can be affected by anything from a common cold to a highly contagious infection. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid direct contact with someone who has a cold or flu, as it will be difficult for you to gauge whether the condition is contagious or not.

Stay updated about food and water recalls
Contaminated food and water are the most common sources of bacterial infections. Which is why it is essential that you stay informed about the local water supply and food recalls. Staying abreast with the quality of food and water you are consuming will help you steer clear off any potential bacterial infection.

Look out for botulism
Canned food is an easy option if you aren’t up for cooking food on a particular day. However, if the canned food lets out a bad odor or it looks bloated, refrain from consuming the contents of the can. These are the signs of botulism and botulism is an extremely dangerous bacteria. If such food is consumed, the repercussions can be fatal.