Skin Conditions

5 effective home remedies to relieve itching

5 effective home remedies to relieve itching

If you can recall the story of “The Princess and the Pea”, you will understand how even the tiniest of the things can be the source of immense irritation. One such trivial thing that can ruin a good night’s sleep is itching. Whether it is a mosquito bite that caused the itching or it’s an unavoidable skin condition, you need to treat both these cases with the same severity.

People who develop itchy skin or pruritus tend to experience difficulty in sleeping, and this often triggers depression or anxiety. Moreover, unstoppable itching can make the individual restless, uncomfortable, and frustrated. Another reason to deal with the itching right away is that constantly itching the same area can cause small tears and makes the individual more prone to infection.

So, to seek immediate relief from incessant itching, you can try either of these natural and safe home remedies.

Apply menthol
Applying menthol to the affected area is one of the best ways to relieve pain and itching. Menthol is an essential oil that is found in plants belonging to the mint family. It is the perfect remedy to treat itchy skin in pregnant women as they are advised not to use any sort of medications. However, before you apply menthol to the affected area it is necessary to dilute it in a carrier oil before applying it directly to the skin.

Another home remedy that is known to help reduce itching is colloidal oatmeal. This form of oatmeal is not what you eat for breakfast, it is made from oats that are grounded into very fine powder. This natural product is often used in many types of soaps and lotions due to its soothing properties. The colloidal oatmeal is safe and helps treat itchiness that is caused by different factors. You can buy this oatmeal from pharmacies or make your own by grinding the oats into a fine powder.

Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a potent home remedy that is used for treating a variety of health conditions. It contains acetic acid, which has proven useful since ages in the form of natural wound disinfectant and antiseptic. In fact, the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) recommends apple cider vinegar for relieving an itchy scalp. You need to dilute the vinegar in water according to a 1-to-1 ratio, and apply the solution to the scalp and let it dry before rinsing it gently with lukewarm water. However, people who have cracked or bleeding skin should avoid using apple cider vinegar as it can cause a burning sensation on open wounds.

Baking soda

When the itching is caused due to fungal infections, using baking soda can help reduce the pain and itching caused by the infection. The antifungal properties of baking soda come to the rescue in such situations. You will have to mix one-quarter of a cup of baking soda to a warm bath or mix it with a little water to form a paste and apply it directly to itchy areas.


Most of the times, itchy skin occurs due to dry skin. Which is why you need to keep your skin hydrated throughout the day. In addition to drinking ample water, your skin can get the moisture it needs from the moisturizers that are engineered for this very purpose. Moisturizers like creams and lotions play a vital role in keeping the outermost layer of the skin hydrated.