Skin Conditions

6 effective home remedies for chickenpox

Dealing with the itchy, tender blisters caused by chickenpox can be exasperating. Fortunately, most chickenpox cases quickly resolve within a week or so and don’t require any medical intervention. However, it is always wise to seek a doctor’s counsel, especially when a child or a pregnant woman is infected. While one is recovering from chickenpox, here are some home remedies that can be used to alleviate its troublesome symptoms.

Cool compress
The skin can often become extremely dry, itchy, and inflamed due to chickenpox. Patients can gain some relief from these symptoms by using a cool compress. A cold compress should be applied on the skin multiple times a day. However, ice shouldn’t be applied directly to the blisters; instead, it should be wrapped in a cotton cloth for safe application as well as effective results.

Oatmeal bath
To reduce itchiness and flakiness, one can try soaking in an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal possesses natural skin-soothing properties that help retain moisture. One should take this bath at least once a day for 10 to 20 minutes using warm water and colloidal or uncooked oatmeal. If a bath is not preferred, another alternative is to use colloidal oatmeal creams or lotions on the affected areas of the skin.

Lavender oil
Lavender oil is anti-inflammatory in nature, comprising mild chemicals such as linalyl acetate and linalool, which are known to relieve unpleasant symptoms such as itching and tenderness. Moreover, its regular application can accelerate the healing process of the blisters and prevent any scarring or skin infections.

Neem oil
Loaded with antioxidant and antiviral qualities, neem soothes swelling of the skin. Likewise, it also mitigates symptoms such as pain and scarring, itchiness, and clustering of the blisters. Neem oil contains azadirachtin (an active compound), vitamin E, carotenoids, quercetin, and several fatty acids that can lower the damage caused by skin rashes. However, one should not use undiluted neem oil directly on the skin due to its potency. It should be blended with jojoba or lavender oil and applied to the skin at least 2 to 3 times a day.

Bland diet
Some patients might develop symptoms such as fever and nausea. Therefore, they should ideally stick to a bland diet to prevent vomiting and weakness. Pureed veggies, fresh fruit juices, yogurt, light soups, bone broths, oatmeal, and kefir should be included in the diet as these foods can be easily processed by the digestive system. Highly-processed, heavy, and spicy food items can strain the intestines, so they should be strictly avoided. Similarly, one should drink plenty of water and other hydrating fluids to keep dehydration at bay.

Unprocessed honey
Raw honey can ease high inflammation of the skin and lower scarring. Likewise, it can help heal oozing blisters quickly. One should directly smear a thin layer of honey on the infected part of the skin and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes or until it completely dries off. This process should be repeated 2 to 3 times a day to alleviate the symptoms of chickenpox.