
Foods that Help Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a virus infection that attacks the liver. It spreads from infected blood through the body. Today it can be treated with oral medications prescribed by a doctor and takes two to six months to cure. Left untreated it can cause hepatitis C infection, liver damage, and cirrhosis. The symptoms of this illness are bleeding easily, bruising, fatigue, poor appetite, swelling in legs, weight loss, and confusion. It can be diagnosed by a doctor using blood and liver biopsy tests.

When being treated for hepatitis C, a diet is often recommended to help the patient heal more quickly. Certain foods will improve the health of the liver and prevent the development of diabetes and other diseases. These foods may also help reduce the chances of the patient developing hepatitis C infection, liver damage, and cirrhosis of the liver:

1. Lean protein
Protein is an important part of the diet. It helps replace damaged cells in the liver, provides consistent energy, and makes a person feel full. When adding protein to the diet it helps reduces the amount of sugar in the diet. There are many different types of protein that those on with a hepatitis C infection can eat. Avoid fatty meats because the body does not digest this properly. Look for chicken and turkey that is grass fed and hormone free. Remove the skin when cooking.

2. Fatty fish
Oily fish like salmon helps reduce the inflammation caused by the virus. Other fish that are a good source of omega 3 fatty acids are trout, tuna, sardines, and herring. Other sources of protein are eggs, beans, nuts, and seeds. For non-meat eaters, plant sources, like walnuts, contain high levels of omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids that are also powerful antioxidants.

3. Fruits and vegetables
Leafy green vegetables reduce the fatty acid that develops in the liver. They are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, and cabbage added to salads or cooked are good choices. These vegetables have vitamin C too. A dietitian can help patients with choosing the right amount of fruits and vegetables. Check with the doctor about consulting a dietitian or nutritionist. Other vegetables to include peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, celery, green leaf lettuce, onions, and squash. Choose fruits with Vitamin C like oranges, kiwi, pineapple, berries, and melons.

4. Whole grains
Whole grains break down more slowly and provide the body with more nutrition. They are turned into sugar at a slower rate and a good source of fiber. They provide many vitamins and minerals. Choose whole wheat pasta, whole wheat or rye bread, brown rice, wild rice, and oatmeal. Choosing whole vs. refined grains is important for patients with hepatitis C because excess weight can result in the development of hepatic steatosis, a condition caused by a buildup of harmful fat in the liver.