
Snacking with High Cholesterol

If you’ve been diagnosed with high blood cholesterol, you’re at risk for certain and more serious health conditions, like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. However, it’s never too late to swap out your favorite carbohydrates and trans fatty foods (which may have contributed to high cholesterol in the first place) with a bounty of cholesterol reducing foods that can help naturally lower LDL “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. When snacking make smart decisions when it comes to naturally lowering high cholesterol:

1. Low fat yogurt
You don’t have to forego all your favorite snack foods. When it comes to dairy products like yogurt and cheese, just swap full fat dairy for low-fat dairy options, like skimmed milk, low fat cheese, and low-fat yogurt cups. You can also save yourself from eating a lot of hidden sugars by opting for plain yogurt and adding your own natural sweetness in the form of vanilla, cinnamon, and fresh berries.

2. Unsalted popcorn
Yeah, I know popcorn in a microwavable bag is pretty convenient. However, these processed snack foods contain a ton of empty carbs (which translate to sneaky sugars) and cause glucose levels and blood pressure to spike. Diets high in excessive and empty carbohydrates can actually reduce HDL (that’s the good stuff) cholesterol. You can still have popcorn, just be sure it’s stove top popped, unsalted pretzels, and unbuttered. Use a bit of extra virgin olive oil, powdered garlic and nutritional yeast instead for some natural saltiness.

3. Seeds and nuts
When it comes to a heart healthy snack, all nuts and seeds contain bounties of unsaturated fats in omega-3 fatty acids, which actually contribute to reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while increasing the good stuff, HDL cholesterol levels. For an excellent source of healthy fats, vitamins, proteins, and fiber mix up a batch of raw almonds, walnuts, peanuts, Brazil nuts, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds. Just be sure to enjoy in moderation.

4. Fruits of all kinds
For the simplest to-go snack or breakfast a piece of fruit will have you covered as far as providing valuable energy while ensuring the sugar you’re eating is natural. Fruit contains potassium, pectin, and soluble fiber to keep you full for longer. Be sure to eat the fruit with the skin on. Great fruit choices include all citrus fruits, dark berries, apples, and pears.