
Snacks that Help Soothe Migraines

Migraine sufferers point to a host of triggers for their migraines. From perfumes to humid weather and from pollen to hormones to increased stress, migraine triggers differ between individuals greatly. Yet, much research exists concerning the effects diet have on migraines, either making them worse and more frequent or reducing symptoms and severity of flare ups.

Either way, studies show that the following foods when consumed as snacks throughout your day may help reduce migraine symptoms, intensity, and frequency:

1. Caffeine

With so many warnings against drinking too much caffeine, you may be surprised to see an article touting its benefits. Yet while excess caffeine can cause issues (i.e., increased blood pressure, etc.) a cup of coffee has actually proven to relieve migraine and headache pain because it has an anti-inflammatory effect on swollen blood vessels in the brain.

2. Ginger

There’s something particularly comforting about ginger. In fact, research indicates you’re not wrong if you use this warming spice in teas, oats, baking, and more due to it’s warming effects. Ginger has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a natural anti-inflammatory, and it also helps impede prostaglandins, which are believed to trigger the inflammation associated with migraines. So try a cup of ginger tea or sprinkle ginger in your smoothie snack to quell migraine pain and nausea.

3. Potato skins

White, yellow, red, and even sweet potatoes have a lot in common. These root veggies are not only great sources of natural potassium, vitamins b and c, they also contain mostly water (roughly 75%), which means they make a great migraine ally is your prime trigger is dehydration. Try roasting up thinly sliced potatoes to use them as chips or use the skins to hold a bounty of deliciousness in salsa, low fat cheese, ground meat, and plain yogurt.

4. Beans and legumes

Beans and legumes of all kinds (i.e., chickpeas, lentils, black beans, kidney beans, and all the beans) have been shown to help ease migraines, especially in women patients who suffer from fluctuations in estrogen levels around and during menstruation, due to excess estrogen production. Beans and legumes of all types are a bounty of plant estrogens and fiber, which aid in flushing excess estrogen so it doesn’t remain coursing through the bloodstream.