Live Well

5 Well-Known Flea and Tick Medications for Dogs

It is quite natural for dogs to scratch and itch once in a while. In fact, light scratching often relaxes your furry pet. However, a persistent itch can be a cause of worry. If you have noticed that your dog has started to spend more time itching and scratching than doing anything, it’s time to get your pet checked for flea and tick infestation. Fleas and ticks are small parasites that find refuge inside the fur of dogs and cats. They survive by sucking on the blood of the host. This sounds as unpleasant as much it causes discomfort to your dog.

If left untreated, a flea or tick infestation will increase leading to many health complications for your dog. Your dog may get anemia or even tick fever. This is why it is important to get rid of these parasites as soon as possible with flea and tick medications. Here are some of the well-known medications that provide flea and tick protection to dogs:

1. Frontline

There are two Frontline tick medications—Frontline Plus and Frontline Gold. Both topical medications work in the same way, except that Gold has a triple action formula to kill fleas of all ages. This includes adult fleas, flea eggs, ticks, and larvae. Frontline Plus can also kill chewing lice. The medications start taking effect within 12 hours. Moreover, these are waterproof, so there are no worries about your pet playing around in the water. The dosage is once every month. Only dogs that are older than 8 weeks must be administered these medications.

2. Simparica flea and tick chewable

This is a monthly flea and tick chewable medication. It remains effective for up to 35 days. This Simparica flea and tick control medication is known to give instant relief from flea infestations and allergies. It can kill fleas just within 3 hours. Also, it acts against ticks and gets rid of them within 8 hours. This fast-action medication must be used only in dogs that are 6 months or older. Also, it must be used with caution since an FDA-warning has been issued for this medication. The risks include nerve reactions and seizures. Do not use this medication on pregnant, breeding, or lactating dogs.

3. Advantage II

This is a topical flea and tick medication. Recommended for furry pets above 8 weeks, this medication kills off fleas right from larvae stage to adult. Your pet will be free from fleas within 12 hours. It is also an effective remedy against lice infestation. But it cannot be used for tick infestation. It is effective for 30 days and has to be used monthly until all signs of flea and lice go away. Also, it is waterproof for up to an hour after application. Your dog can swim or take a dip even when the medication is applied.  This medicine is suitable for dogs of 7 weeks and above.

4. K9 Advantix II

This is a powerful topical flea and tick medication. It can be used for treating flea and tick infestation as well for treatment against lice, mosquitoes, and biting flies.  The medicine takes effect immediately 12 hours after application. It can be applied monthly as the dosage lasts for up to 30 days. It must be used for dogs who are 7 weeks old or above.

5. Revolution

If you are looking for a topical medicine for fleas, ticks, as well as heartworm, Revolution would be the right choice. Also, it can be used to treat sarcoptic mange infection and ear mites. It has a unique formula that dries off quickly and is non-greasy. It can be applied every month with each dosage lasting for 30 days.