Live Well

Top 4 Vet-Prescribed Medications for Dogs

The bond between a human and their canine friends is more intertwined than you can fathom. In addition to the unconditional love that the canine and the human have for each other, there are other similar factors they can relate to. Just like we humans fall sick or don a runny nose, even our furry friends are vulnerable to common cold or experience sudden bouts of coughing. Though watching your pet pooch sneeze is cute and worthy of being shared on your Instagram, it implies that your dog is ill. Moreover, there are instances when certain illnesses can affect the dog despite it being vaccinated against it. In such circumstances, taking your pet dog to the vet is the most sensible thing to do.

In addition to the various diseases that affect your furry best friend, there are other threats you need to look out for, such as heartworms, tapeworms, fleas, ticks, intestinal worms, and intestinal protozoans. These parasites are extremely dangerous and feed off your beloved pet, and if left unchecked, can prove fatal. These parasites weaken your pet and are often accompanied by a plethora of health issues. To prevent your pet from falling prey to these harmful entities, it is essential to administer certain medications on a monthly basis. Some of the effective vet-prescribed medications that every dog-owner must know of are as follows:

1. Antibiotics

Antibiotics are administered to kill microbes like bacteria or yeast that are known to cause infection. Unlike the popular belief that only humans take antibiotics, these medicines are administered to dogs and other animals as well. These antibiotics can wipe out any disease-causing bacteria or yeast completely. However, antibiotics do not work on viruses. In such cases, the vets prescribe antibiotics like Metronidazole and Doxycycline that helps your pet fight a secondary bacterial infection which can worsen the condition further.

2. Antifungals

When the temperature soars, it brings with it several fungal infections that can wreaks havoc if it enters your pet’s system. In fact, humidity and heat are the factors that can promote the sudden overgrowth of yeast in your dog ears and skin, and eventually causes irritation and inflammation. To control this condition, the vet might prescribe antifungal medications like Ketoconazole.

3. Antiparasitics

Animals are quite vulnerable to parasitic growth, and these parasites can weaken the animal’s defenses and feed off on it till it dies. Your beloved pooch is highly susceptible to parasites and to prevent the parasites from making themselves at home in your pet’s body, antiparasitics are to be administered on a monthly basis. Medications like Trifexis, Interceptor, and Trifecta are often prescribed by vets to dogs for protecting them from heartworms, fleas, and parasites. Moreover, these antiparasitic medications are so potent that they can kill these parasites irrespective of which stage of their life cycle they are currently at.

4. Steroids

In case your pet has a severe case of life-threatening allergic reaction to a medication or something it ate, steroids are extremely effective in controlling the reaction and normalizing your pet’s health. Contrary to popular belief, steroids are not always harmful. In fact, corticosteroids like Prednisone are used to reduce the symptoms that are bought on by cancer, inflammation, and Addison’s disease in dogs.

Though these medications are lifesavers in dire situations, it is essential to consult with the vet instead of administering the medicines on your own.