
What you should know about nutrients in cat food

The two major nutrients that your cat needs are proteins and fat. The third macronutrient is carbohydrates, which can be found in leafy and starchy vegetables. Cats however do not need carbohydrates, as their bodies easily use fat and protein for energy, since they can synthesize glucose from amino acids. It is important for every pet owner to know how much of each nutrient is necessary for his/her cat to stay healthy. Once you know this, you will be able to pick the best cat food and analyze the ingredients in it.

  • Cats need protein-rich food as they cannot decrease their level of protein digesting enzymes in the lower intestine. The digestion of food in the body is aided by enzymes, which help to break down nutrients like proteins into amino acids, so that they can be absorbed by the body. Protein in cat food can in fact be obtained from various sources. Cats cannot create amino acids on their own, hence it is crucial that the cat food they consume must contain all the ten essential amino acids needed to grow. You need to keep in mind that high quality amino acids are the best source of amino acids for your feline. Cats can experience various health problems due to the deficiency of these essential amino acids. Therefore on analyzing cat food ingredients, it is worth mentioning that cat food rich in protein is the best cat food that you can pick for your cat.
  • Fats form an essential part of cat diet, the main reason being that they are a major energy supplier. One gram of fat carries twice as much energy as a gram of protein or carbohydrates. In addition to supplying the energy that a cat needs, fats also help to regulate hormone production and helps with the absorption of certain kinds of vitamins in the body of a cat. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are the most popular fatty acids — Omega-3 improves the skin and the condition of the cat’s fur, whereas Omega-6 is mainly used for reproduction purposes.
  • Although carbohydrates are not really essential for the growth of cats, they can be digested up to a certain point. They are used by cats as sources of fuel or dietary fiber.
  • Vitamins can influence all the systems in the body of a cat. Minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, and iron are also necessary for various functions related to maintaining a cat’s health.